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- Keyes, Janae
INFLUENCED: A Good Girl, Bad Boy Love Story Page 13
INFLUENCED: A Good Girl, Bad Boy Love Story Read online
Page 13
Kisses planted on my lips awoke me. I squinted open my eyes to find Spencer smiling down at me. HIs scruffy face and sapphire eyes were a welcome sight as I stretched, allowing a moan to escape my lips.
“Fuck, don’t do that, Peaches,” Spencer growled before yanking me by my waist and pulling my body to his.
I flew into a fit of giggles at his passionate assault. His kisses traveled down my neck as his fingers slipped the tie from the robe I’d slept in. I burned to have him take me once more. I wanted him so bad it physically hurt.
“Spencer!” Heather’s voice rang through the house. She was in the house.
My body instantly froze. We’d possibly gone over our time. I was supposed to be back in my room in the main house by morning. My parents, did they know I wasn’t in my room? Panic struck me at once.
“She won’t come in,” Spencer whispered to me.
“Spencer,” Heather called out again and my biggest fear came true when the door swung open and Heather entered the small bedroom of the beach house. “Spencer, I’m looking for Megan. I wanted to see if she wanted to go for a run with me and she wasn’t around. Have you seen her?” Heather’s eyes then landed on the bed, where I lied, frozen and naked in bed with her son.
“Yeah, mom, I’ve seen her,” Spencer mentioned with a smirk on his lips. I wanted to beat him on the head for that one, but I would resist in front of his mother.
“I can see,” Heather commented with a grin. “Well damn, I must be stupid. Spencer’s girl whose parents wouldn’t approve and Megan seeing a guy who her parents wouldn’t want her with. All makes sense now and I’m over the moon. My son and my favorite girl.”
“Heather,” I started timidly. “Please don’t tell my parents.”
“I won’t. You can trust me,” she insisted.
“Even after a few cocktails?” Spencer inquired.
“Oh shut up, Spencer, I’m not that bad,” Heather scoffed with mock disappointment. “Your secret is safe with me. I’ll keep your parents busy, Megan, so the two of you can have some alone time.” Heather gave us a wink.
“I fucking love you, mom,” Spencer proclaimed.
Heather was a jewel. I could remember so many times where my parents couldn’t make it to one of my music or dance recitals because of work, but every single time, Heather was in the front row cheering the loudest.
“I love you too, Spence. I will see both of you later. Nothing much planned for today. Marian and I are going to a women’s luncheon at the club. Dad and Dexter are off to play golf in a bit,” Heather explained as she went through the very open itinerary for the day.
“Thanks, Heather,” I beamed as she gave us a quick wave before leaving us alone.
“Now that we no longer have to worry about your parents, I’m going to cater to you all day, starting with relieving that ache you’re feeling,” Spencer mumbled as one of his hands traveled under the blanket and slipped between my thighs. “Right about… there.”
I gasped the moment his finger slid down my slit. I groaned, needing more; Spencer had made me an addict and he was my crack. From that first hit, I wouldn’t be able to stop, I itched to have more.
With breathless urgency, I took his lips with mine and used my strength to press him down to the bed. His eyes wide with curiosity and shock. I bit down on my lip, not exactly sure of what I was doing, but I wanted to try. Spencer had coaxed me to abandon any inhibitions I had.
My hands explored his toned chest, fingers taking in every dip and delve of his muscles. I traced the lines of his tattoo before bringing my lips to his skin. Planting lazy kisses, I worshiped his inviting body.
I wanted to analyze every portion I could of Spencer’s body. Yet, at the same time, a fierce flare of yearning had entrapped me.
Swinging my legs over him, I straddled his body with my own and looked down at him. Deep sapphire, touched with a burst of burning, stared at me. I nervously sucked in my bottom lip.
Skeptical of my actions, I aligned my hips as best I could with his and worked to lower my body. Taking wind of my attempt, Spencer used his hands to steady me and place me in the correct position before he helped lower me.
His erection began to enter me. I closed my eyes for a moment, but opened them quickly to look at Spencer, who gave me a nod of approval. Slowly, but surely, I descended, absorbing the feel of him as he filled me.
“Just rock a bit, start slow,” Spencer instructed, his hands resting on my hips.
Gently, I rocked my body and the more I rocked, the better it felt. Sparks drifted throughout my body. This wasn’t going to last terribly long for me, and from the look in Spencer’s eyes, he knew it.
I allowed him to pull my body down to his before he flipped us over, he was on top of me. His lips gently kissed my face and moved to my neck. His hand groping my bouncing breast as he rocked into me, harder with each time. The moans and squeals that came from me were almost foreign.
“Please, more,” I begged. I needed to feel all of him and all he could give me. I didn’t want to come down from the glorious high. Spencer rained kisses across my shoulder and neck.
“Damn, I never imagined you to be so eager, I love it,” Spencer hissed before his lips captured mine, dragging me towards the height of our encounter. “You’re so tight, Fuck!” Spencer grunted, gripping at me as hard as he could and sending me over the edge.
“Oh God! Please, don’t stop!” I cried out fiercely as my body began to convulse with orgasm. Spencer’s own yelps joined my cries in a symphony of passions.
He collapsed onto me before rolling to the side and pulling me close.
“I fucking love you, Megan,” he rasped in my ear, causing me to grin. My happiness was all that mattered and my parents would have to see that. My happiness was wrapped in Spencer and always would be.
* * *
An entire day spent in bed, before joining Joe and Kyle for the evening fireworks, and returning to the beach house to spend another night together was perfection. A life with Spencer was the only thing I wanted in the world besides my ability to dance. Nothing else mattered to me.
On the morning of the fourth, I woke up, as expected, in Spencer’s warm arms. He made love to me before we showered and I escaped to the main house to get dressed without my parents noticing my absence.
Jogging down the stairs of the house, I could hear laughter coming from the patio. It seemed everyone was gathering together already. I could hear my mom’s voice chatting away. She sounded as if she was having a good time, that was a rarity to hear.
I exited the house and went to the large patio, where I spotted my parents right away with the Grants. Jaylesha and Kyle were sitting together on an outdoor lounge, fully wrapped in one another. I was happy for my best friend, she’d dated some shit guys and needed a good one in her life.
“There’s Megan,” my mom announced, though the look in her eyes told me right away she wasn’t pleased. I knew her displeasure came from the outfit I’d decided upon for the day, little red shorts, a red and white striped crop top, and blue converse. If there weren’t others around, she’d say I looked like a hussy or a tramp. I was comfortable and felt pretty, to me that is what mattered, but to my mom it was always about presentation.
“Happy 4th of July!” I cheered to everyone as I joined the group. Spencer stood, leaning against the patio bar with a beer in his hand, he studied me from head to toe, and his eyes gave the opposite reaction of my mom; he was undressing me with his eyes alone. I bit my lip, knowing when he got the chance, he’d actually undress me.
I wanted to stand with Spencer, but I knew being too close to him might set off alarm bells with my parents. My mom had eyes like a hawk and could catch every insignificant movement. Deciding to stroll towards the bar, I kept a safe distance from Spencer. I picked up a celery stick from the platter sitting on the bar and bit into it.
“I hope you’re having a great vacation, Megan,” Spencer noted to me, as if he wasn’t the reason my vacation was fant
“It’s perfect,” I sang before finishing my celery stick and glancing at my parents. “I haven’t seen much of the two of you. I hope everything is well.”
“Always the sweetheart, Megan,” my dad cooed as he put his arm around me. I was a daddy’s girl and it showed when he was able to be around, though he could be just as strict as my mom. “We’re having a wonderful time, though work never ends. You’ll learn that soon enough.”
“Chef Fernando is cooking us up a great meal,” Steve announced.
“Good thing I came, Chef Fernando is a legend!” A voice that made me cringe shouted. Everyone turned their attention to to the house where the owner of that voice stood.
I inhaled sharply as he strolled onto the patio. I hadn’t seen Spencer’s twin brother in a matter of years and whenever I saw him, it was difficult. I glanced away as he went right to his parents and threw his arms around them.
Spencer and Chase were fraternal twins, they looked alike, but not completely identical. Unlike Spencer, Chase had dirty blonde hair and his blue eyes were a bright shocking blue. His face was a round shape and his jaw less defined than Spencer’s.
“Mom and dad!” he hugged his parents.
“Grammy, Papa!” a small voice cheered.
Arriving behind Chase was a small brunette girl with pigtails, she couldn’t have been over three years old, his daughter Amelia. Not far behind her was his wife, Trish. Trish was tall, long legs, and sported a very fake tan, along with artificial platinum blonde hair, and gigantic fake boobs, typical Real Housewife type. I remembered when my parents flew to California with Heather and Steve for his wedding. It was apparently an extremely lavish event that I was pleased to have missed, thanks to college.
“My goodness, the whole family, what a surprise!” Heather squealed as she scooped Amelia into her arms.
“Get the fuck out! Spence? Is that really you? I’ve died and gone to heaven!” Chase immediately turned his attention to his twin brother and hugged him while slapping him on the back.
“I’m sure mom and dad told you I was back from Europe,” Spencer said as he stood with his brother. I glanced at the ground, trying to find my balance, as I’d grown dizzy. I closed my eyes, trying to find the ability to breath deep.
“Yeah, but I expected you to be down in Daytona or somewhere, hooking up with some hotties, everyone knows Spencer Grant knows how to get the ladies,” Chase joked.
Just as I looked up from the ground, Chase’s attention was immediately on me. Pools of sky blue met my own eyes. My limbs trembled. My anxiety heightened as he smiled and began to move. He was headed in my direction and I couldn’t handle it anymore.
As quickly as I could, I jolted towards the house. I heard my name being called, but I couldn’t react. I was eager to be able to breathe once again like a normal human. Memories were attacking me from every direction, that night had changed my world and I was reliving it in my head.
Bursting into my room, a mad search for my purse began. I wheezed hard as I threw clothes and blankets everywhere. I’d sworn I saw my purse before leaving my room. Panic set in while tears flowed down my cheeks.
“Peaches! Peaches!” Spencer yelled out for me. I saw him enter the room, confusion on his face. “Megan, what’s wrong?” I shook my head, I couldn’t speak. “Megan, fucking talk to me!”
“Purse,” I wheezed. “Inhaler.” It was one of the most intense combination asthma and anxiety attacks I’d had in a long time. My vision was blurred, I wanted to vomit, my body shook relentlessly, and I could barely get in a breath.
Spencer began to tear up the room until he came across my dark purple purse. He dug through it like a mad man before he produced my blue albuterol inhaler. He rushed it to me and thrust it into my hands.
With one puff, I could already feel my lungs beginning to open. Two puffs, a calming was finding me as I could take one deep breath. Three puffs, I gasped for air and it came to me as it hadn’t only seconds before.
Spencer’s arm came around me as he led me to the bed and sat me down. I rocked back and forth, still in my head. I coughed violently as my body tried to find its rhythm once more.
I saw that night vividly. Sitting in Chase’s car as he’d picked me up from dance class. How nice he was to me and how I stupidly thought he was a nice guy, a friend, someone who cared about me. I visualized the moment everything changed, him grabbing me, his hand forcing its way up my skirt.
“Why did you flip out, Peaches?” Spencer asked, his voice calm and soothing. He rubbed my back softly.
I couldn’t tell him, but I knew he’d beg me for answers and no answer would suffice except for the truth.
“Umm…” I didn’t know where to start or how to start. I hadn’t told the story in years. “When I was 16--Chase…” My voice trailed off.
“Chase, what?”
My eyes looked into Spencer’s, I saw how much he loved me and wanted to care for me. What I had to say was going to change the way he saw his friend and twin brother forever. My secret had the potential to destroy him.
“Chase tried to rape me,” I said out loud. I saw a plethora of emotions flash across Spencer’s entire face, but he didn’t move. Desperate to finish my story I blathered on, “Umm, you know how you would pick me up from dance sometimes?” Spencer nodded. “One time, when I was 16, Chase came to visit. My parents needed someone to pick me up. Your parents sent Chase. He took me to get some food and we hung out in his car at the park near my house. He kissed me and I thought maybe he liked me. I was 16 and this older guy was kissing me, I liked it, but then he got rough and sort of violent.” I closed my eyes. I saw the entire thing as if I was watching it unfold from outside the car. “He put my seat down, got on top of me. He held me down. He shoved his hand up my skirt and tried to get my panties off. I fought him. Fuck, I fought with everything in me. I managed to break free and jumped from his car. I ran home.”
“Why the fuck isn’t he in jail?” Spencer growled. I’d never seen him the way he was. His entire face was rock hard, hands in fists, shaking as violently as I had only moments before, but for a completely different reason.
“I waited until my mom got home, and I told her. She called Chase over.”
“She what? Why didn’t she call the police?”
“She sat me down with Chase and explained that it was pointless to go to the police, he hadn’t raped me in the end. She said going to the police would make me the victim and if I wanted to be a lawyer, I needed to be a strong woman. She said, as a black woman, accusing a white guy, the police wouldn’t believe me anyway. She also said that pressing charges would ruin Chase’s future career and it wasn’t fair to him. Her conclusion was that it was best to keep my mouth shut.”
“What about my parents?” Spencer asked, his eyes pleading for good news. I placed my hand on his rock hard fists in hopes of calming him. His knuckles were already snow white, having lost all of the blood to his fingers.
“As far as I know, they don’t know. We vowed to keep it a secret. My dad doesn’t even know,” I admitted and before I could say anything else, Spencer stood and tore from the room leaving me alone. I rushed towards the door, but it didn’t matter. I could already hear his angry screams.
Chapter Thirteen
“You piece of shit mother fucker!” I screamed, unable to hide my rage as I stormed at the boy I had grown up with and idolized.
Before he could back away quick enough, my fist connected with his jaw, sending both of us spiralling backwards.
“How fucking could you!” I screamed, landing another punch to my brothers’ face.
“What the fuck, Spencer, what are you doing?” Chase screamed, attempting to block another incoming hit.
“You fucking know what,” I bellowed as a strong pair of arms halted my next blow, and pulled me off of my sorry excuse for a sibling.
I watched as Chase shakily got to his feet, his eyes a mixture of anger, fear,
and hurt. I didn’t fucking care, though. He could be hurt all he wanted, I hoped by the end of the night, he knew what hurt truly was, and I’d be the one to deliver it.
“Let me go,” I said through gritted teeth, “I’ll leave him alone, for now.”
When the arms holding me back released me, I took a step backwards to put some distance between Chase and me. If I got any closer, or if he attempted to come near, I couldn’t be held responsible for hitting him again. The last three minutes had been an almost blur. A hazy ring of red circled my vision, and the little bit of control I had left was the only thing keeping me from lashing back out.
It wasn’t just Chase I wanted to take a swing at. If I was less of a man, I would knock Marian Reese to her fucking ass. How could she let something like this happen, and what’s worse, cover it up? Of the six people in my vicinity, only three of us knew, but that was all about to change. Megan was mine now, and no one, not even her bitch of a mother was going to hurt her ever again. I’d make damn sure of it.
“Son, why don’t you tell us what’s going on, and we can resolve this like responsible adults,” my father spoke into my ear, a harsher whisper than I deserved, once he heard what I had to say.
“You wanna know why I tried to knock Chase out? Oh, I’ll be glad to tell you,” I said, glancing around making sure my niece was nowhere in earshot.
Turning to Marian, my voice just above a growl, I looked her dead in the eye, hoping to see something akin to fear, or remorse, instead all I received was a bitter stare.
“Actually, why don’t you tell them Marian?” I sneered, my fists clenching and unclenching at my side.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Spencer, and I don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to me,” she huffed, taking a sip of whatever drink she was nursing.
“I could refresh your memory if you’d like. Let’s see if I can get this straight,” I mocked, grabbing my chin as if trying to recall the memory. “One day, you asked Chase to pick up Megan from dance class,” I said, waiting to see if recognition would flare in her eyes.